I'm sure that most of you know me from my extensive theatre career at Blue Valley North High School. My talents and abilities ranged from roles like Girl At Party in Dylan to Caterpillar/Centipede (I don't remember which it was) in James and the Giant Peach.
While I was busy memorizing all my lines like "Is Dylan Thomas at this party?" and stick out tongue at Young Cosette, I also participated in BVN's improv group, Comedy Troupe (or Comedy Club as my mom still likes to call it). Now I didn't actually "audition" or "have talent" for this Comedy Troupe. For some reason my Freshman year, the Senior boys who were already in it decided that they liked me and would put me in as a sort of pet if you will, so I did shows for four years without really deserving to be there at all.
While I was busy memorizing all my lines like "Is Dylan Thomas at this party?" and stick out tongue at Young Cosette, I also participated in BVN's improv group, Comedy Troupe (or Comedy Club as my mom still likes to call it). Now I didn't actually "audition" or "have talent" for this Comedy Troupe. For some reason my Freshman year, the Senior boys who were already in it decided that they liked me and would put me in as a sort of pet if you will, so I did shows for four years without really deserving to be there at all.
Long story short, I really did enjoy all the time I spent performing throughout high school. I also loved teaching drama and improv along with directing Little Shop of Horrors at my last school in Philadelphia.
Since Lila seems to be taking forever to learn improv games and show tune lyrics, I was really missing the proverbial spotlight. Lucky for me, Brian our youth pastor at church, let me take over the game portion of youth group on Wednesday nights. The kids are super talented, and I love watching them learn the improv games and make everyone laugh. We had a lot of fun tonight playing Questions Only, The Alphabet Game, and Freeze.