Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Four Months

Congratulations to Baby Hutson for making it past the four month mark!  We are officially at 18 weeks, and everything is going well.  I think this picture makes me look bigger than I actually am, but very few of my clothes fit anymore and poor Johnny has lost more than one pair of shorts and sweat pants to his crazy pregnant wife.  Even though Sydney likes to tell me, "You're not fat, you're pregnant!," I think I might be on my way to a life of permanent obesity if I make these again:

Why yes, those are giant apple cider doughnuts.  I've been saving this Smitten Kitchen recipe for a nice fall day, and since we've been working on relaxing and enjoying our Sundays more, I made these this Sunday.

They turned out way bigger than I planned.  But for being a person who has never really fried much beyond my own brain, these doughnuts were awesome.

Johnny enjoyed them as well.  I realize that this picture looks like Johnny ate all the doughnuts on the tray, but I promise these are not before and after shots. Though, people who have picked apples with us know that Johnny can shovel a few of these down pretty easily.  I hope Baby Hutson is okay with reading the newspaper and eating doughnuts all day on Sundays...
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1 comment:

  1. aww Rach that pic of Johnny is really cute. and yah it looks like he ate half of each one of those doughnuts. Good thing you clarified!
