Sunday, February 2, 2014

Olive Claire Hutson

After a week of being sick, Johnny and I went to the hospital bright and early on Tuesday morning for me to be induced.  I was worried about delivering because I had had a horrible cold, and I thought that I wouldn't be able to breathe deeply enough...but then I thought about being pregnant for a few more days, and I decided to take my chances.

They started me on Pitocin around 8:30 and said they weren't really sure how long it would take for me to start contractions.  About twenty minutes later, Johnny was giving me a quiz he found online to determine whether I'm conservative or liberal ("Cats are better than dogs. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with this statement?"), but I was unfortunately unable to figure out what I am because contractions started, and we were raring to go.  A little while later a nice lady came in and gave me an epidural, and then all we had to do was wait. 

Around 11 the nurse came in to check how far dilated I was, said something like, "Oh there's the head...we better call the doctor over," and prepped everything for delivery.  Once my doctor got there, they had me push something like three times, and out popped this teeny tiny little baby girl! Thanks for paving the way, Ogre Lila!

Olive Claire Hutson, 7 lbs 4oz, 19.5 in

No broken collar bone, no terrible jaundice, no psycho pterodactyl scream

Even though she's a full two pounds smaller than Lila, she's still a little chunky monkey.

She unfortunately did not have time to grow a full head of hair.  We're working on it.

We've gotten a lot of positive feedback about Olive's name, which I managed to keep secret our entire pregnancy.  Olive is my maternal grandfather's aunt's name, and Claire is my paternal great grandfather's middle name...though I never actually checked how it's spelled, so it's probably not spelled the girly way that we chose.  We like to call her Ollie for short, or if you're a two year old member of our family, you may call her "Baby Ahh-yive," and point out whether her eyes are opened or closed every time you look at her.

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