Monday, December 15, 2014

The College Talk

Rachel: Lila, you can go wherever you think is right for college, but Mommy and Daddy think that Wheaton is a really good choice.

Lila: But I don't want to go to Weakness.

Rachel: Wheaton.

Lila: I don't want to go to Wheaton.

Johnny: Why not?

Lila: I don't want to!

Rachel: Why don't you want to go to Wheaton?

Lila: I don't want to go to Wheaton.  I want to go to the grocery store.

Rachel: Well they have grocery stores at Wheaton.  They even have Trader Joe's.

Lila: But I don't want to...okay I could go to Trader Joe's.  (Pause) Lights and display contest!? Win money, money, money!

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