Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Days

So Mother's Day was a few days ago, and my mother's birthday is in a week. What better time to throw the spotlight on her!

This is a good picture to prove what my mother goes through to take care of her children...and dog. Though she never had to stand outside while I went to the bathroom, my mom drove me to sewing classes, listened to me play the Titanic song on the piano over and over again, hosted tea parties for my American Girl Dolls, and still has the clay cake model that I made in fourth grade on display in her kitchen.

Unlike most teenagers, I was never embarrassed by my mother, even when she told my bible study that her Amaryllis plant looked like a certain part of the male anatomy. The only time I was slightly embarrassed was when I arrived at my Junior prom only to be greeted by my mother and father, waving wildly, dressed in 70s garb because they were attending a 70s auction next door. Needless to say I walked very quickly into the dance, dragging my date behind me.

Now that I'm older and living on my own, I'm realizing how easy my mom made keeping up a house look. I can only hope to do as good of a job as she did. My mom is a beautiful lady and has a big birthday this year. Be sure to tell her Happy Birthday on the 17th!

Love you, Mommy!


  1. Rachel, I remember those American Girl tea parties! What a nice post about your mother.

  2. Rachel....How very beautiful....what great memories you have....and more to come.
    Love, Ms. Pat
