Thursday, January 12, 2012

Baby Hutson's First Quilt and Our First Class

I finished Baby Hutson's first quilt yesterday.  I had to use the iPad for the pictures, so forgive the quality.

It's flannel, and the light green color matches the color of his/her room.

In real life, the light green is a lot more green and less ugly tan.

We're ready for you, Baby Hutson!

Speaking of being ready, Johnny and I went to our first birthing class on Tuesday night.  We were supposed to bring two pillows and a blanket...which we didn't really use, so I'm not totally sure what that was about.  But we found our way to the hospital and figured out where to park when the baby comes.  The class itself was good and informative, but we couldn't make it out without seeing a closeup video of a birth...yikes.  And I'm not sure what the women were thinking who allowed photos of themselves during labor to be used in our PowerPoint.  There will be absolutely no photos of me during labor in existence.

Now we have breathing exercises to practice, and we know what signs to look for to know when it's time to go to the hospital.  I'm also starting to think about what to put into our overnight bag as well as the baby's.  Any suggestions?
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  1. Snacks for Johnny! Casey was starving when I had Mark. If you have any favorite movies, that would be good too. There can be lots of waiting, so you might as well be entertained.

  2. SOCKS!! lots of socks!

  3. I always got the socks from the hospital. The ones with the grippy feet on the bottom. Depending on how fast you go, you might have some time where you are resting. Make sure Johnny has something to keep him occupied so he doesn't keep asking you how you are doing. If you're trying to doze, it can get annoying! Ok, maybe I'm jaded after having 4 kids :-)

    1. Thanks for all the great suggestions! I always think of you guys with all your boys! That might be us...who knows? Johnny seems to think so!
