I know that I've written about cloth diapers before, but I really wanted to explain just how great I think they are and why you should consider using them for your diapering needs.
First of all, they are just so much cuter than those crinkly disposable ones. They come in all different colors. I personally prefer the colors of the FuzziBunz brand, but the Bum Genius ones that I use have all kinds of cute pinks and greens. Second, they are MUCH easier to take care of than it seems. We have a cloth diaper laundry bag that I stick the dirty diaper into. When I have a full bag, I take it downstairs to the washing machine, unzip the bottom and dump the whole thing in. I wash it on a cold double rinse with no detergent and then a hot cycle with a little bit of detergent. Then I throw them in the dryer on extra delicate, and voila! Super easy. My third reason is that they are definitely less stress than disposables. We have used disposables in the past on vacation, and I'm always worried I don't have enough diapers, or we have to make a late night run to pick some up. Also, cloth diapers might be a chunk of change up front (about $18 a diaper), but in the long run, they are much cheaper than disposables. Finally, if you are into the environment, you may be using a lot of water to wash them, but you're making virtually no footprint in your local landfill (you can even get washable wipes...but we haven't done that). These new fangled cloth diapers also use snaps instead of pins and are one size fits all.
Have I convinced you yet? I hope that our next baby is a boy so I can buy all the cute blue diapers and get these Albert Einstein ones.