Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Becoming Officially Official

We had our first and hopefully only visit from the state today to finalize our fostering license.  It was a fairly simple checklist:

Covers on all the electrical plugs: check
Smoke detectors in all bedrooms, hallways, and levels of the house: check
All paint and chemicals locked up or stored above six feet (now that's really safe): check
No trampolines, pools, ponds, or exotic or restrictive pets: check
Fire escape and tornado safety routes posted: check
Emergency numbers posted on the fridge: check
Baby gates on all stairs: check
Barrier around the furnace and water heater: check
Tired of all the rigamaroll: check

We've officially been "temporarily" licensed for over two weeks.  Every time the phone rings, I take a mental breath before looking at the caller id, hoping that it's our agency calling with a placement.  So far, nothing.  We have a very limited range of children that we are willing to take at this point (0-18 months, only one child, no super serious medical issues), so that and Snowmageddon  are playing into our lack of calls.  I vacillate between hoping they call with anything and reminding myself that it's better to be picky in the beginning so that we don't have major problems down the road.

All that being said, we have a really nice crib and some really cozy baby clothes just waiting for someone to try them out.

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