Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daddy's Home!

After 15 not fun days, Daddy's home!

I was really surprised by what a hard time Lila had without him.  I expected her to miss him, but she was really sad about her Daddy being gone.  She popped into her cozy coupe the other day, and I asked her where she was going.  "To Daddy's house," she responded.  In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have rented The Lion King for her for the first time last night.  "The Daddy is just sleeping! Let's skip to the next scene!"  And now that I'm writing this, I am realizing why she was worried that Daddy was sleeping in this morning.  

And Daddy has finally realized that my last name may be Hutson, but I am an English at heart, so that means he needs to bring me presents, and they should usually be of the chocolate variety.  I have no idea where they all went.

Thank you to everyone who helped me out while Johnny was gone! You have no idea how helpful you were!  But we're not quite out of the woods yet.  Even though Johnny is home, he is spending every waking minute studying for his fourth actuarial exam on Monday at 5:00pm.  He's been studying non-stop for the last six months, so we really want him to pass this one so that we can get our Daddy back for good...or at least until exam five comes around.

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